002 Design Communication campaign for VDS and BHE VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH (VdS) and the BHE Bundesverband Sicherheitstechnik (BHE) have launched the “No Seal, no Deal” campaign.
003 Design Successful relaunch: The new 29FORWARD corporate website Modern design, clear structure, high performance and a user-friendly, multilingual implementation.
004 Design FUNKE Mediengruppe brand portal: Efficient brand management for the future The FUNKE Mediengruppe brand portal offers over 4,650 employees centralized access to important brand parameters. Innovative automation tools promote digital transformation and increase the efficiency of brand management.
005 Design Design Made In Germany New brand design project “Local Vibes Yoga” published on Design Made In Germany
006 Design 50 years of BHE CRENEO creates a gift for VdS Schadenverhütung for the “50 years of BHE” celebrations
007 Design Local Vibes Yoga New brand design for Local Vibes Yoga: Luxurious travel experiences tailored for discerning customers
008 Design 150 Years Sprinkler VdS Schadenverhütung anniversary campaign celebrates 150 years of the sprinkler: a breakthrough in firefighting
009 Design VdS HOME New website for end users covering all aspects of security for the family, house and flat