Publication in Discover Germany Magazine 12|2021
Author: Nane Steinhoff
Many talk about digital transformation — CRENEO lives it

The increasing complexity of media and communication channels must be countered with simple brand management that includes a modular and simplified corporate design. Decentralised and fast digital access to all brand parameters including automation tools such as logo or template generators increases efficiency, ensures consistent brand awareness and reduces running costs.
CRENEO has been strengthening corporations, medium-sized companies, start-ups and organisations since 2009. Customers include the FUNKE media group, StepStone Germany or the AWO – but also aspiring start-ups such as 1A Motorbid. In addition to digital transformation, digital solutions, such as corporate websites, app developments or digital campaigns, are part of CRENEO’s range of services.
CRENEO’s core competence consists of brand management, brand maintenance, brand development and the associated brand design. On the basis of extensive analysis processes, CRENEO improves brands holistically or introduces a brand new design. Alexander Willuweit, managing director of CRENEO GmbH, says: “Modern corporate design including digital brand control is an important investment in the future and sustainably increases the brand value.”
Furthermore, the steadily increasing workforce that is working from home requires innovative communication solutions. CRENEO has recently developed and implemented a scalable virtual 3D studio for VdS Schadenverhütung. Therefore, classic presentations become animated and can be made permanently available or streamed online directly from the software and company-internal knowledge and learning content gets distributed and stored much easier.
