Work Hard. Eat Smart.

Work Hard. Eat Smart.

12 seasonal fruit & vegetable recipes

A successful creation is like a delicious dish. The right ingredients, a great deal of dedication during preparation, appropriate craftsmanship and appealing presentation combine individual components to create a flavourful experience for all the senses. But why go far afield when good flavour is so close?

We have therefore put together exclusive recipes, including step-by-step instructions, based on 12 selected regional fruit and vegetable varieties – each of them suitable for the respective season. From crunchy apples in autumn to juicy berries in summer, you can enjoy the diversity of the seasons in your own kitchen. And the best thing about it: sustainability can be so delicious.

We would like to thank our customers, business partners, friends and supporters and wish everyone good health, happiness, success and a good appetite for 2024.


Neujahraussendung 2024 – Work Hard. Eat Smart.