The orchestrated appearance is a reflection of the values, visions and missions. From analogue to digital, a uniform appearance strengthens the external perception and clarifies the affiliation of the individual sub-brands. Formally kept simple – with a focus on the elementary building blocks of uniform brand management.
The brand manual functions as an internal communication tool and serves to clarify the value of consistent brand management in words, images and sounds to the employees. From business correspondence to large image campaigns. Formally kept simple – with a focus on the elementary building blocks of consistent brand management.
In addition, all employees receive core information on the new FUNKE corporate design in a condensed manual.
For the first time, the business stationery is standardised across the group and made available via web-to-print auto-mation. The individual product brands now also follow the uniform formal structure. The centralisation is accompanied by a reduction in errors and effort and will also lead to positive monetary effects in the future.
At the same time, a uniform appearance is ensured and thus the FUNKE brand is strengthened in the long term.
The handling of print media was fixed for all common formats in the corporate design manual. In addition,master templates have been created and are made available via a digital interface.
In future, formal specifications for large-format advertising spaces such as mega-lights, city-lights or posters can also be called up digitally.
The design of the advertising material for FUNKE and its sub-brands also follows the new design guidelines. Different brandings have been developed for this purpose, which can be found in the newly published FUNKE advertising cata-logue.
Whether PPT or social channel branding – the new brand language will be implemented consistently across channels in the future.
Movement moves – and we move FUNKE by porting the new brand design into the moving image.