In the first step, the picture-word mark was completely redrawn. Special attention was paid to optimal legibility in the smallest of display spaces. In future, the additive word mark will consist of two words – Wesselmann Werbung – and for the first time creates a comprehensible reference to the picture mark (WW). As a further core measure, the corporate colour orange was redefined. In future, it will appear more subdued and gain in value.
Old versus new figurative word mark
The new Wesselmann imagery is striking, uncluttered and with a lot of space. Urbanity is a central pictorial metaphor. Large-scale portraits create a human counterweight to the anonymity of the big city. The accentuated addition of the corporate colour provides the necessary individual corporate touch and creates a high degree of corporate branding as a result.
The icon set developed exclusively for Wesselmann Werbung includes the requirement for a modern and intuitive interface design. Extensive in the illustrations – reduced and independent in the visual language
Formally technical in style, linear illustrations support the company’s new storytelling. With optional micro-motion design, they are ideal for making complex content easily accessible. In the context of digital communication channels, their minimal file size is another strength.
As a further design tool, two-dimensional illustrations are introduced. Light surface gradients, controlled image noise and design compression elements – in the form of the logo – create a coherent and highly independent appearance.